About this resource
The Erasmus+ EntRENEW project, coordinated by EMLV Business School and dedicated to training in entrepreneurship in renewable energies.
The EntRENEW project aims at promoting a dynamic interdisciplinary perspective that articulates the corporate, scientific, and pedagogical skills and knowledge in renewable energy and entrepreneurship. EntRENEW will contribute to increasing the capacity of European students in their way to becoming effective entrepreneurs and leaders, enabling them to address the challenges of Europe’s future sustainable prosperity and the transition of energy sectors towards decarbonisation (as part of the European Green Deal).
The EntRENEW project will develop a trans-disciplinary HE blended-learning course in Entrepreneurship in Renewable Energy (ERE) at the intersection of entrepreneurship and technology (smart, sustainable and renewable energy applied studies).
The project answers three major needs:
NEED 1: The need to form new skills and competences in future MA graduates in business and environmental/energy studies, bridging the knowledge gap in the current HE curricula to answer the demand by new energy businesses.
NEED 2: The need to increase the use of new and innovative pedagogies in HE to enhance students’ motivation.
NEED 3: The need to enhance the collaboration between European students and the entrepreneurial community.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme under grant agreement No. 2020-1-FR01-KA203-080630. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Pedagogical information
1. Facilitate the exchange flow and co-creation of new knowledge
Bringing together partners from top EU universities in the field of innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship and energy studies in creating a trans-disciplinary innovative content aiming to enhance the technical knowledge of students with business background and strengthen the entrepreneurial mindset and skills of students following engineering majors.
2. Enabling professors to teach transdisciplinary studies through innovative methods and IT tools
- Develop a new teaching course content on Entrepreneurship in renewable energy (ERE), which being interdisciplinary and cross sectoral topic, fosters the direct relation between HE and the innovation and business world
- Develop an Innovating Teaching Methodology through Blended Learning, Trans-Disciplinary Approach to content design and Applying the Principles of Gamification
3. Stimulate synergies between universities and entrepreneurial support systems throughout Europe
- Improve future integration of the course graduates to the labour market;
- Stimulate self-employment opportunities of MA graduates by granting them training and access to networks of innovative business and other stakeholders in Europe (startup hubs in climate change and entrepreneurship)
- Increase of entrepreneurship initiatives in Europe in the field of Renewable energy
Activities & Impacts
The project duration is 36 months. The work is divided in 6 WP and 5 Intellectual outpus (IOs). The EntRENEW project will follow the below Work Programme to guarantee quality performance:
- WP1: Methodological Approach Definition and Design
- WP2: Pedagogical Content Development
- WP3: Development of the E-learning Platform
- WP4: Testing and launch of the EntRENEW Blended-learning on entrepreneurship skills for the renewable energy sector
- WP5: Dissemination and Exploitation
- WP6: Project Management and Quality Control
The long-term of the EntRENEW impact will be to create a new generation of decision makers who will explore concrete entrepreneurial solutions in support of EU countries facing the important challenge of maintaining their social and economic performance and being more eco-responsible, especially in terms of energy.
Intellectual Outputs
- Methodological Approach Definition and Design
Training Contents (Modules and materials for the e-learning, in-class sessions, assessment and ToT Toolkit)
EntRENEW E-learning Platform
EntRENEW Blended-learning course
Best practices for blended training of students on entrepreneurship in renewable Energy