De Vinci Open Education

De Vinci
Open Education

Free, high-quality educational resources accessible to all

Sharing knowledge

Giving the tools needed to decipher societal issues

De Vinci Higher Education is committed to ensuring access to quality education for all, and to promoting lifelong learning opportunities.

To enable you to understand and act in a changing world, De Vinci Open Education offers you the opportunity to equip yourself with the scientific and technical foundations, and acquire the skills that are essential in today's world.

Whether you're a student, teacher, professional or simply curious, you can access free articles, courses, MOOCs, practical exercises, videos and much more. Explore, learn and enrich your knowledge, at your own pace and according to your own interests.

Image générique, dessin d'une main qui s'envole, symbolisant l'innovation

De Vinci Open Education

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